Android increased its share of m-commerce revenue by more than eight points to 25%, accounting for a quarter of total m-commerce revenue (in 2011, it accounted for 17%). Number of transactions: European consumers prefer Apple's iOS Apple's operating system also maintains the first position in Europe regarding the number of transactions. In 2012, 67.3% of mobile transactions on the zanox network were made via iOS (2011: 69%). Android is the platform with the highest growth rates in mobile transactions. In 2012, almost a third (29.2%; in 2011, 23%) of transactions in Europe were generated by Google's operating system.
The majority of consumers in Spain and Poland buy with Android devices, which is an exceptional case within Europe. In 2012, Poland took the number 1 position as “Android region” from Spain, with 64.9% of transactions carried out on Android and 23.1% on iOS. Device results: iPad users are the kings and queens of mobile shopping iPad not only advances in Canadian Hospitals Email List terms of the number of transactions but also in the average revenue generated by each transaction. iPad users are particularly keen consumers and spend more per transaction than users of other devices. On average, spending per transaction on iPad is around 50% higher than on iPhone and Android devices.
To sell, companies have to get off the pedestal and talk face to face with their customers Tags engagement Business customers business read later favorites Digital Marketing Courses Digital programmatic Many brands still maintain a traditional communication strategy, through which the brand broadcasts its message, waiting for a single type of response from its target audience: purchase. However, times have changed. This change has been brought about mainly by the appearance of new media, which have come to transform the way in which brands communicate with their audience. In this aspect, consumers are clear, they want brands to change the way they address them, and treat them as equals, from person to person, not as "being superior" to "anonymous group of individuals" .