There is more to search engine marketing than just website traffic. And to buy email list why you should consider it an integral part of your digital strategy here are some statistics: of marketers use search engine marketing to provide content to their prospects organic and paid search engine traffic contribute to more than of total website visitors of consumers start mobile research with a search engine of local mobile searches lead to a sale within one day of bb buy email list cycles start with a web search of bb marketers say seo has the biggest impact
On lead generation the highest spenders are most likely to turn to search for purchase buy email list conversion rates are times higher from search than from social media of course these are just stats. But they tell a compelling story. Search engine marketing is here to stay. And it’s importance will only grow as the global adoption of mobile devices continues to accelerate. So how can you make the most of it? A unique opportunity a few weeks ago I wrote an article that encouraged you to diversify your search engine marketing strategy; in order to stay competitive and create a distinct point of buy email list for your website.
The most natural place to start if you’re looking to diversify your strategy. buy email list your overall risk and tap into some unique opportunities. Is with the bing network. Bing has come along way in the past decade. And it’s much more than just a search box on a webpage. It’s now a powerful connector between technology. Information. People and knowledge. Beyond being your typical search engine. Bing powers over billion searches around the world across the microsoft ecosystem; from cortana. Xbox. Twitter. Apple and amazon. This means as a search engine marketer. Bing offers a unique buy email list to reach more people. In more ways and on more platforms.