Share reels one of the big differences between tik tok and instagram was precisely the possibility of sharing. In the first, if you have a public account, the algorithm can show your videos to anyone, giving more visibility to the b2c email list content with the most likes and views. Although tik tok has the function to share your videos on instagram, in reels the sharing process is much easier, since it is the same app. If you have the public account, you b2c email list can share the reel in a specially added section of explore, where it can also be seen by any user of the platform.
You can also post it in the feed and there are chances that if you used a song or audio, it will appear if someone clicks on that audio or song. On the other hand, if you have a private account, only your followers will be able to see b2c email list your b2c email list reels. You can share it on your feed, your audios cannot be reused or your content shared with those b2c email list who do not follow you. To share your reel, go to the share screen. There you can save a draft, change the cover, add a description that can include hashtags, and even tag your friends. Once shared, it will be in a new tab of your profile: reels.
All the ones you share will be stored there. If you also want to share it in your feed, the video will appear with the rest of your b2c email list publications, although you can always remove it if you wish. Finally, you can also share your reel in your story. In this b2c email list case it will be saved as a regular story, it will not appear in the reels tab of your profile or in the explore section and it will disappear in 24 hours. How to see reels? Go to explore, there you will find a section dedicated especially to reels. You will be able to discover videos created by any user in the world, in a vertical feed.
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